Home Learning
At Balgreen Primary, the home learning set is determined by the age group of the children.
P1 and P2
Home learning is issued on a regular basis and includes reading, practising sounds and blends, learning common/'tricky' words and number practice. This will be issued by the class teacher and will compliment the classroom learning. Term Ahead Letters provide parents a summary of what is being taught in the classroom across a particular term. Term Ahead letters are emailed to parents/carers at the beginning of each term but can also be found on the website. Please find attached a virtual copy of tricky words and flashcards to practise reading, writing, and word building at home.
Primary 2 - General Homework Information
P3 - P7
Home learning Walls are issued on a termly basis. Activities are designed to consolidate classroom learning and are fun, practical activities to be enjoyed with parents and carers. We acknowledge the importance of parental involvement in children's learning. Term Ahead Letters provide parents a summary what is being taught in the classroom across a particular term. Both Term Ahead letters and Homework Walls are emailed to parents/carers at the beginning of each term.
Please see our home learning policy attached below.
P3-7 Home Learning Walls
Please click on the correct link below to take you to your class home learning wall.