Questions for Astronauts
A number of pupils from across the school took part in the Questions for Astronauts activity during the last lockdown, when they were asked to film themselves asking a question to be presented live to astronauts aboard the International Space Station. The questions were submitted and the live event will take place on Thursday 8th April, 3pm.
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Sharing the Ambition - It's time to have your say
Please see below an important communication from Mrs Jeffrey. Apologies for the short notice. Thank you once again for your continued support.It's time to have your say! Our school community has recently played a huge part in BERA funded research, Sharing the Ambition. The project asked over 260 Scottish families, with children in Nursery or P1, how they can be supported to play at home. Families asked for communication & family learning, so the Sharing the Ambition team created...
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School Lunch / Breakfast Club Reminder
All School Lunch and Breakfast Club bookings for the first week back after the Easter holidays must be received by midnight on Wednesday 31st March.
Normal Finishing time on Thursday 1st April
Just a little reminder that it is normal finishing time on Thursday.
NHS COVID Information
Please see attachment with important information from NHS Lothian.
P1-3 Easter Egg Competition
Our annual Easter Egg Competition for P1 – 3 will be held on Wednesday 31st March. Children are asked to decorate a boiled egg and bring it to school on either Monday 29th March or Tuesday 30st March. The eggs will be judged, and a prize given to the winner in each class at our Easter Assembly on Thursday 1st April. This is purely a fun competition and it’s an opportunity to let the children’s own imaginations run riot and...
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P5 Writing Competition
P5 pupils will be taking part in a creative writing competition called "A Wander in the Woods", organised by Young Writers. Miss Christy and Miss Wyllie will be submitting pieces of writing tomorrow afternoon for the competition. There are some fabulous prizes in the offing and P5 pupils have been working hard completing their short stories. Please get in touch if you would like more information.
Parent-Teacher Meetings
Please see attachment with regards to the upcoming Parent-Teacher consultations.
Royal Hospital for Children and Young People
Please see below for some important information regarding the new Royal Hospital for Children and Young People.Edinburgh’s Royal Hospital for Children and Young People opens tomorrow. All services previously at the Sick Kids, including the Emergency Department, are moving on Tuesday 23 March. From 8am children needing emergency care should go to the new hospital. We are also excited to share the brand new, purpose-built website for NHS Lothian’s Children’s Services - click here. The site is packed with useful...
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Balgreen Christmas Holiday COVID update
If you or anyone in your household tests positive for COVID please contact the authority on 0131 200 2000 to let them know. We have been compiling records to support Track and Trace of pupils and staff for Thursday 17th-Tuesday 22nd December and are ready to contact those who have had close contact with someone who has tested positive. We finish at 12noon for all of the 'A' classes and 12.15 pm for all the 'B' classes. We are looking...
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Balgreen End of Term Arrangments
We are due to finish school at lunchtime on Tuesday the 22nd December. Primary 1a, 2a, 3a, 4a, 5a, 6a and 7a will finish at 12noon. Primary 1b, 2b, 3b, 4b, 5b, 6b and 7b will finish at 12.15pm. This is to support social distancing and to help maintain pupil bubbles.
Balgreen COVID information guide
Attached is a guide containing COVID information and how any positive cases are managed. We also want to remind you that if a child has any of theses symptoms at home, or present with them when in school, they cannot be in school and you will be asked to collect them immediately. - a new or continuous cough - a temperature - loss of taste or smell We are know that there are many bugs affecting families at the moment...
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