Balgreen PS update to guidance
Dear Parents and Carers,
Following the changes to ALL Covid close contact information from the Scottish Government on Friday 10th December, this is the guidance that we all now need to follow:
If anyone in your household tests positive for Covid (either Omnicron or Delta variants) the whole household must self-isolate for 10 days regardless of age, vaccination status or PCR result. The ten day period starts from either the date of the test or when the symptoms first began.
Even if someone has already had Covid, these rules still apply.
This also means, that there will be no whole class isolation needed anymore as the children in the classes are not household contacts (unless they are siblings of course or if they have stayed overnight with the positive case). Children infecting children is seen as a low risk which is why they can return to school.
PCR tests are only required if requested by Test and Protect (TAP) in the event of positive cases in school. We will continue to send ‘Warn and inform letters’ in the event of positive cases in classes.
Kind regards,
Balgreen Primary School