Pupil Council Class Reps (1)
Dear Parents and Carers,
Pupil Council Elections:
Every year at this time each class votes in their new Pupil Council Class Representative. These are pupils who are keen to make a difference and make our school a better place. I spoke to the whole school about this at assembly last week and attach the slides for your information. We discussed what a good class rep does - listens carefully to their classmates, is reliable and works as a team. Children get a lot out of being on the Pupil Council - developing their confidence, working with pupils from across the school and turning their fabulous ideas into reality.
If your child is keen to put themselves forward for this role, they need to persuade their classmates to vote for them. They can do this however they like eg. Powerpoint presentation, poster, talk, rap, iMovie etc. What makes THEM a good rep? Please email content to admin@balgreen.edin.sch.uk where necessary.
Pupils will be given time in class during the week beginning Monday 11th September to present. Classes will vote by secret ballot and the pupil with the most votes will be selected. Democracy in action!
I certainly hope to have as many pupils as possible putting themselves forward.
Kind Regards,
Stephanie Palmer