Sponsored Walk Balgreen
Just a reminder that on Thursday 27th April, the pupils of Balgreen Primary School will be taking part in a Sponsored Walk. The money raised by the pupils will be used to maintain our Trim Trails!
All sponsor sheets should be returned to school on the day of the Sponsored Walk to allow school staff to sign them off. Sponsorship money should be collected in an envelope, clearly labelled with the child’s name, class and the total amount of money raised and sent into school via the class teacher between Wednesday 3rd May and Friday 12 May. There will be a prize for the individual pupil who raises the most money as well as for the class that collectively raise the most.
As part of the celebrations, we would like to ask pupils to come to school wearing house colours and in sports gear. Feel free to go all out – leg warmers, sweat bands etc. It all adds to the fun! Children should dress appropriately for the weather and should have a warm, waterproof jacket and comfortable footwear. The event will go ahead unless the weather is severe.