Uniform Bank
Edinburgh School Uniform Bank provides free new school uniform to children and young people who are referred by a professional who knows the family. This could be a teacher or support worker at school, a health visitor, a family support worker or social worker, a youth worker, a Maximise worker or someone similar. Please ask them to visit the website www.edinburghuniform.org to find out how to refer.
The Uniform Bank also provides batches of excellent quality nearly-new school uniform to schools and community groups for them to pass on to local families. This could be through a swap shop, a sharing rail, a pop-up uniform event or something similar, depending on covid restrictions. Please ask your school, youth club or community group if they have a supply of nearly-new clothing or if they would like Edinburgh School Uniform Bank to support them with this.
As a registered charity, Edinburgh School Uniform Bank is independent from the Council and they rely on the support of local people and businesses. To find out how you can help by donating uniform or funds, volunteering or fundraising please visit www.edinburghuniform.org