Outdoor Learning Timetable Term 1 (1)
Day Classes Monday P3a, P3b, P7a, P7b Tuesday P2a, P2b, P4a Wednesday P5a, P5b Thursday P4b, P6a, P6b Friday P1a, P1b Please ensure your child comes to school wearing old, weather appropriate clothing and appropriate footwear, such as welly boots.
Brass Tuition P7
Pupils in P7 were visited this morning by Donna Arthur, the Brass Teacher, for a short information session about playing a brass instrument. Many of them were enthused and keen to try out. This is a reminder to complete the form below if you would like your child to be assessed for a brass instrument. will be back in school on Friday 2nd September to assess any children who are interested and who's parents have given consent by completing...
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Pupil Council Elections
Pupil voice is of upmost importance at Balgreen. One way we involve pupils in decisions made in school is through the Pupil Council. Each class has an elected representative who meets on a monthly basis with Mrs Palmer with a view to improving the school. We are asking interested pupils to come up with a creative way to try to persuade their classmates to vote for them - it could be a powerpoint presentation, a short talk, a poster or...
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PE Timetable 2022 Term 1
See below the PE timetable for the term ahead. Please can children come to school on their PE day, wearing appropriate PE kit - trainers, leggings / joggers, t-shirt, hoodie/jumper and a coat. Please avoid football strips and crop tops. Session 2 is a shorter session which is why P5a have two PE slots. P1 and P2 teachers will deliver an additional PE lesson during the week. An Outdoor Learning timetable will also be sent out in the coming weeks.
Active Schools Clubs Term 1
Please find attached, details of the Active Schools Clubs available at Balgreen this term. Bookings are now live.
Playground Reminder
It has been lovely to have all the children back in school this week. We are not sure what you have been feeding them, but they have all grown a lot over the holidays! We would like to remind all parents and carers to stand back from the class lines in the mornings once the school bell has rung. It is quite daunting for some of our children to have so many adults close to them and it makes it...
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Parents, Carers & Leavers
We have been asked to distribute this letter from Lorna French, Acting Head of Schools and Lifelong Learning, City of Edinburgh Council.
Lost Property - Last Call!
Please find attached Fridays lost property, items will be held until 12 noon tomorrow pick up asap if you see any items that belong to your child.
Rose Day Arrangements
Quick update regarding Rose Day arrangements tomorrow. The weather is looking variable and may be wet. Please ensure your child comes to school with a waterproof jacket and a plastic bag to sit on the wet grass. If it is deemed too wet, we will hold the celebrations in the school gym hall. Children can come to school tomorrow wearing a rose pinned to their school uniform. The celebration is set to take place form 1:30 and should be finished...
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Newsletter June 2022
Attached is the newsletter for this month. Can we remind everyone that school finishes on Friday 1st July at 12noon.
Summer Basketball
Summer Camp West Edinburgh Warriors Basketball Club in conjunction with Active Schools will be running a basketball camp during the Summer Holiday at Tynecastle High School. The summer camp booking is now open. The dates for the camp are: Monday 1 August - Friday 5 August (not Wednesday 3) and Monday 8 August - Friday 12 August The links to sign up are below, please sign your child in to the school year group they are currently in (not the...
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Calendar Dates 2022/23
Please see the attachment which has all the dates for next session on it.